Introducing February’s Lens | People
Hey Everyone!
Happy February! I’m so excited to share February’s Lens with you: People.

If you’re a VIP Collective member, our Lens micro-magazine should have popped into you inbox this morning. It has this month’s challenges, a letter from me, and a few extra things. You can also find it in the Library of Resources with last month’s issue as well.

What to expect
With our monthly lenses, I want us to take a look at the world around us through the viewpoint of our word. Through photos, paper, and the bits that make up our lives, we are going to explore our stories one lens at a time.
If you’re a Collective VIP Member
- On the first of the month, you’ll get an email with the monthly challenges inside of a new micro magazine called Lens
- You’ll get early access to the three challenges: photo, paper, & memorabilia (included in Lens)
- You’ll get early access to the feminist quote + introspection (included in Lens)
- Lens micro-magazine will be available via the Library of Resources
- and everything below
If you’re a Collective Member
- Each week, on Friday, a new post will go up on the ALP Blog with one of this month’s Lens challenge
- The Discord channel has two great places to start the discussion. In the #clubhouse channel, we’ll be chatting about what this month’s lens means for our stories. In the #lens channel, we’ll be sharing the photos, projects, and whatever else you want to talk about
I can’t wait to see your people stories.