Hi, I’m rukristin:
Feminist Scrapbooker!
Let’s make Daily Pages together.
I’ve been scrapbooking my life for 20+ years. I’m here to help you learn how to craft a creative habit and tell the stories of your life with my Daily Pages project.
It doesn’t matter what your life looks like, how much time you have each day, or what type of scrapbooking experience you’ve got; everyone can make Daily Pages.

What are Daily Pages?
Daily Pages are a creative self-documenting habit started by rukristin in the summer of 2018. Daily Pages are all about pulling a small amount of paper, thoughts, photos, words, or bits of life into a small notebook. They’re a creative habit for you to tell your stories.

Your pages can be as simple or as elaborate as you want them to be; you can use whatever supplies you have on hand. There is no right or wrong way to approach this project. You don’t even have to create pages every single day. This is about whatever works for you and your own life.
It’s a simple and accessible project.
Tell your stories in just a few minutes a day, using the awesome supplies you already have in your house (even if that’s just some magazines and junk mail)

It gives you a place to use your favorite supplies.
You can use Daily Pages to scrapbook, stamp, play with patterned paper, scrapbook your photos, paint with watercolors, or whatever else you’re being called to do.

And you’ve got an easy way to hone your creative muscles.
Practicing your creative skills each day makes you a better artist and storyteller. This habit will jumpstart your creative metabolism and get you moving in the direction you want to be going.

My Daily Pages
My pages are very simple; I don’t really use prompts most of the time or plan things out in advance. I typically grab things that are out on my desk or within arm’s reach. This means my books are filled with scraps of paper, leftover photos, and random bits that I pick up here and there. And that’s absolutely perfect. It means that whatever I pick up to play with is good enough.
And that’s what this is all about — spending a small amount of time each day working on something. If you did that, then it’s good enough. Sometimes the pages will be amazing, and sometimes they’ll suck. But most of the time, they will be good, and that’s awesome. Because this isn’t about trying to make a page that is always better than the page you made the day before. It’s about spending time making a page.

One of the best parts of the Daily Pages practice is that, no matter what your life looks like, we can make this project work for you. Take my FREE Daily Pages 101 course inside the ALP community, it will help you get started with the Daily Pages project and figure out how it will work for you and your life.

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Our free Daily Pages 101 course is automatically added to your account when you become a member. Learn everything you need to know to get started with this amazing project!